Thursday, 22 March 2012

Pond & Movement Shoot

These images below are some of my most successful close up high speed photography images I've taken. These were constructed using a tripod to prevent any camera shake and throwing rocks and pebbles into my garden pond creating splashes and ripples I wanted to capture. A lot of this work was timing when pressing the shutter and throwing the rock so i positioned the camera up on a fixed spot for me to aim to and left the shutter continuously pressed to capture as many shots as possible. Some of these images have captured the shape of the water movement perfectly creating strong sculptures jumping out of the water.

-There is a selection of three images within the first set of slides where I have been able to capture the precise moment the water jumps up from the pond due to the rocks weight. These look incredible against the sunlight, glistening round sections of the water creating strong sculptures of unique shapes water can't sustain.

Others create many extravagant ripples which overlap and smash together constructing interesting shapes and patterns.

-I captured one image full of ripples I created pouring water from a watering can onto the pond which makes lines of artificially made ripples, these lines draw the eye-line into the image making it much more interesting.

They were all taken under natural lighting with a small shade held over the leans to prevents sun rays obscuring the images. The strong sunlight was a positive aspect creating a glimmer and shine to any water molecule which moved. To achieve different shapes, detail and patterns I used two different lenses which gave me a wider selection when capturing my images.

These images were inspired by the work of Martin Waugh; I attempted to recreate the strength of water movement capturing it as a solid sculpture in movement. I'm pleased with the turnout of these even though they aren’t' don't under that same circumstances of Martin Waugh's work however the technology and equipment needed to create his works of Art is out of my reach. These stills I have capture however despite the natural colouring which Martin Waugh doesn't work with the shapes and foundation of the water sculptures work as a real success.

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